Carmen Cortes, Rafaela Carrasco, Olga Pericet

Gala Mujeres de Lorca - FF 2012

This gala is a tribute to the vitality of the flamenco arts under the point of view of three of flamenco leading ladies. United by their love of flamenco, the performance combines passion, fire, lighting-quick footwork and expressive dance. The Artists Carmen Cortés, dance Rafaela Carrasco, dance Olga Pericet, dance Dancers Ricardo López José Maldonado Pedro Córdoba David Coria Music Juan Antonio Suárez “Cano”, guitar Jesús Torres, guitar Javier Patino, guitar Manuel Gago, singer Miguel Ortega, singer Gema Caballero, singer José Luis López, cello Pablo R. Maldonado, piano [embed][/embed]

Carmen Cortes, Rafaela Carrasco, Olga Pericet