Elebash Recital Hall, The Graduate Center (New York, NY)

Rocio Márquez feat Miguel Ángel Cortés

Songs of light

  • Friday 27 March 2020
  • 19:00 h
  • Elebash Recital Hall, The Graduate Center (New York, NY)
  • Buy tickets

Singer-songwriter Rocío Márquez is a rising star with one of the most impressive voices on today’s flamenco scene. Her style combines retro cool, modern elegance, and a passionate vocal delivery. Merging tradition with the avant-garde, Songs of Light is an open journey through various flamenco genres, at once deep, challenging, and accessible. Márquez will be accompanied by her longtime collaborator Miguel Ángel Cortés, the highly acclaimed guitarist.

Before the evening concert, Márquez will participate in a free, daylong symposium, “Flamenco in the U.S.” Scholars, artists, and producers will explore how blackface minstrelsy, the Harlem Renaissance, the anti-war movement, and jazz have left an imprint on flamenco today.

Curated by Isabel Soffer – Livesounds.org.

Rocio Márquez feat Miguel Ángel Cortés

Lauded by the press as “the voice of a new generation of cante jondo singers”, Rocío Márquez (Huelva, 1985) has been carving out a solid artistic career for over a decade, ever since she won the Lámpara Minera Award at the Cante de las Minas Festival in 2008. Today, she is a leading light of the flamenco scene.

Miguel Ángel Cortés, one of the most respected and acclaimed guitarists in recent decades, is renowned for his powerful and evocative renditions of contemporary flamenco.