PS21 (Chatham,NY)

Compañía Eduardo Guerrero


  • Wednesday 01 April 2020
  • 19:30 h
  • Historic Asolo Theater, The Ringling (Sarasota, FL)
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Desplante is a modest homage to mining songs from the eastern coast of 21th century Spain, developed in the mining mountain region of Cartagena-La Unión. Rooted in an important art and musical lineage of mostly Andalusian miners, the minera form traditionally transmitted the historical plight of working in the mines. Eduardo Guerrero has worked with flamenco luminaries such as Eva la Yerbabuena and Rocio Molina, and his contemporary aesthetics, refined technique, profound knowledge of the flamenco essence places him among the greatest names on the international dance scene.

Compañía Eduardo Guerrero

Specialized critic said that he is brutal, radical. He dances with fury and from the guts. Naked. An exorcism. But this Flamenco dancer never loses his elegance, the style that is his hallmark.